Program & Activities

Since June 2021, NFPPD has been implementing program activities to strengthen and support democracy and support building inter-governmental relationship and coordination.

In 2016,

NFPPD co-organized AFPPD’s South Asia
Parliamentarians’ Meeting on Child Marriage titled
‘Accelerating our Collective Efforts to End Child
Marriage’ to enhance exchange and learning among
parliamentarians to have better understanding of how to
build preventive mechanisms into legislation, thus
promoting gender responsive policies and legislation in
the respective countries. The conference adopted a
Kathmandu Declaration to Accelerate Collective Efforts
to End Child Marriage.

In 2017,

NFPPD conducted programs related to strengthening capacity of relevant government ministries
at the national and sub-national levels to address population dynamics and it’s inter linkage in policies, programmes, and budget.

NFPPD conducted workshops for parliamentarians on
SDG -3, SDG – 5 with an objective to sensitize
the parliamentarians on the importance of SDG-3 and SDG- 5 and its integration process into the national policy, strategic plan and

Additionally, NFPPD held
national and district level capacity building activities related to Sexual Reproductive Health
and Rights, mainstreaming population and sustainable development issues in local governance and development.

From 2018-2020,

NFPPD implemented various program activities – dialogues and discussions events with federal and provincial parliaments to establish and promote uniformity in understanding and implementation of the constitution. Activities were conducted by engaging members and key officials of the federal and provincial parliaments. The topic of discussions ranged from intergovernmental coordination, gender, and inclusion, Covid-19 and government vaccination program, inclusive development and public health governance system. These workshops and discussions have proved to be important platforms of knowledge and information sharing, coordination, and collaboration among stakeholders.
In collaboration and cooperation with the National Assembly Legislative Management Committee (LMC) and Nepal Law Society (NLS), NFPPD facilitated in organizing one federal; and three provincial level stakeholders; discussion on the ‘Inter-governmental Coordination Bill 2020′. While passing the Bill, Legislative Management Committee incorporated stakeholders’ inputs/feedback in it. The joint activities between parliamentary committees and NFPPD have enhanced the culture of collaboration and coordination between the state and non-state actors.

July 2020 – January 2021,

NFPPD conducted provincial level virtual discussions on key issues related to federal governance including intergovernmental relations (IGR), fiscal federalism and best practices. Experts from South Africa, Spain, Australia and Nepal facilitated the virtual discussion events. Objective of the events was to enhance knowledge and skills of the Provincial Assembly members on comparative federal experiences and roles and responsibilities of all three spheres of government including strengthening IGR, coordination on development planning and budgeting and mentoring on annual planning and budgeting.

Current Program Activities

Health, Development and Population Management

Nepal will be conducting the 12th National Population and Housing Census (NPHC) in near future.  Due to the second variant of COVID- 19, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) had to postpone its earlier plan holding the census in June 2021. The Census, being the largest and most significant statistical activity undertaken in the country, will provide the government, international organizations, civil society, the private sector, academia, researchers, and the general public with detailed demographic data for every province, district, and local units. On the basis of the collected and analyzed data, the state makes its policies, plans and programs to achieve the goal 'Prosperous Nepal and Happy Nepali'.
Targeting the upcoming census, NFPPD has started conducting provincial level interactions/discussions on 'Health, Development and Population Management' with the experts and elected representatives. The main objective of the program is to urge the elected representatives of all spheres of government Participants during federal and provincial level interactions Participants during provincial level interactions on ‘Health, Development and Population Management, July 2021 to ensure/increase effective participation of citizens during the census. NFPPD held three provincial levels and one national level event and is planning to holding events in the remaining four provinces.

Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy, Inter Governmental Coordination and Cooperation among Federal, Provincial and Local Governments

Since June 2021, NFPPD has been implementing program activities to strengthen deliberative democracy and support building inter-governmental relationship and coordination among spheres of government around issues related to public finance management, health, and economic recovery. The specific objectives of the program are to assist and strengthen Committees of the National Assembly in carrying out their scrutiny and oversight functions under their ToR; to enable the elected representatives in implementation of the new constitution by formulating necessary policies/laws for their effective functioning/operations; and to create an environment of cooperation and collaboration among elected representatives of the federal and provincial parliaments.